Application Development

Digital Transformation
Digitize documents and automate processes.

We help businesses thrive in digital ecosystem by digital transformation services and solutions. Leverage Data, AI, ML, Automation and Cloud to evolve quickly to seize the opportunities and mitigate the risks.
Increase Speed

Replace email and verbal processes with workflows designed to route tasks intelligently to performing agents.

Automate Analytics

Replace expensive and manual analysis with data-driven decision making powered by machine learning and AI.

Proceed Incrementally

Devise a roadmap to redesign your processes and deploy them incrementally and without affecting ongoing operations.

Analyse, improve, and automate business processes.

Review and analyze current processes in your organizations to identify gaps and inefficiencies that result in reduced speed and higher costs. Formalize business rules guiding your process flows and explore opportunities for automating tasks performed by people.

Automate workflows and task management.

Many business processes are executed through explicit coordination via email and phone between people. Contata can help formalize, build, and deploy workflow-systems to automate the routing of tasks to appropriate agents, and implementation of dashboards and reminders to ensure their completion.

Start small, make incremental enhancements.

With easy to configure online workflows, it’s possible to start with simple automation of processes and make incremental improvements to cover edge-cases. Also, new processes can be added anytime to cover new part of business operations.

Deploy intelligent agents for data-driven decision-making.

Incorporating data-driven decision making into your processes can be important for routing work intelligently or create actions for agents based on optimized decisions. We can help incorporate machine-leaning agents to analyze data and recommend strategies, which can be reviewed and approved manually, or handed off directly for action.

Get started and running within days on cloud infrastructure.

Use one of many cloud environments to rapidly implement and deploy your business processes, incorporating people with specific roles, and third-party services or endpoints as part of your overall solution.


Use Cases

Document Scanning & Processing
Document Scanning & Processing

Scan documents and use processes such as OCR, categorization, and information- extraction to create digital information for downstream processing.

Business Rules & Routing
Business Rules & Routing

Identify key business-rules driving your processes and incorporate them into online workflows. Route work to appropriate agents automatically.

Dashboard and System Development
Process Dashboards

View all active processes pending tasks, and any exception situations on dashboards designed that serve as command center for process monitoring and intervention.

Human Inteligence and Efficient Appllcation Development
Human Agents

Incorporate people as agents into the process, for tasks that require human decision-making, review or execution.

Efficient Task Management
Task Queues

For agents with limited processing capacity, maintain queues that serve up items as and when the agent resource becomes available.

Reminders and Reassignment
Reminders and Reassignment

Automatically send reminders to people for pending tasks and reassign to a different person as needed.

Automated Process & AI
Automated Agents

Incorporate third party or internal services endpoints, to automate execution of procedural or machine-learned algorithmic tasks.

Flexible Process Changes
Flexible Process Changes

Easily launch improved versions of running processes, while tracking items running on old and new versions of the flows.

Logging & Forensics
Logging & Forensics

Diagnose issues for any specific item processing by looking at logs for the respective execution.

Notificate and Alerts

Automatically send email or other notifications for progress tracking or intervention, to key role-players in the process.