Choosing Databricks over Snowflake: The Better Way to Manage Your Data?

Among all the contenders, Databricks and Snowflake have garnered a strong reputation for themselves with their unique features and benefits. For some businesses, the fully managed SaaS platform, Snowflake might be a clear choice, however, Databricks could be a better fit based on your data management needs.

Category: Data Science
By Contata Published on: September 2, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of data, choosing the right data management platform is a critical step for businesses. With so many options available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Among all the contenders, Databricks and Snowflake have garnered a strong reputation for themselves with their unique features and benefits. For some businesses, the fully managed SaaS platform, Snowflake might be a clear choice, however, Databricks could be a better fit based on your data management needs.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how Databricks stands out and why it might just be the solution you’ve been searching for.


An Apache Spark-based unified analytics and processing engine hosted in the cloud, Databricks enables the collaboration of data engineers, data scientists, and analysts in a shared workspace. Key features include:

  • Interactive Collaborative Notebooks: Provides real-time collaboration for efficient teamwork through interactive Databricks notebooks. Users can write code, perform visual analytics, and share results—all in a single collaborative environment.
  • Incorporated Machine Learning (ML) Abilities: The advanced machine learning libraries and frameworks, such as MLflow, are natively included in Databricks, thereby allowing users to build, train, and deploy ML models straight from the platform.
  • Scalable Data Processing: Databricks allows for both batch and real-time data processing, thereby efficiently handling huge volumes of data and requirements of varied data processing.
  • Ease of ETL Process: Databricks facilitates an easier way of handling ETL since it is enhanced by the way it is automated and integrated with tools that build and maintain data pipelines.

How Databricks Outshines Snowflake

Feature Snowflake Databricks
Unified Analytics Platform Primarily a data warehousing solution focused on SQL-based analytics.   Integrated platform for data engineering, data science, and machine learning.
Support for Apache Spark No native support for Apache Spark.   Natively built on Apache Spark for large-scale data processing.
Machine Learning Integration Machine learning requires additional tools or services.   Built-in MLflow and Spark MLlib support for seamless ML workflows
Streaming Data Processing Real-time streaming requires external integrations.   Strong native support for real-time streaming with Spark Structured Streaming.
Custom Code Execution Limited support for executing custom code. Allows running custom code and libraries within notebooks using Spark clusters.
Collaborative Notebooks Lacks native collaborative notebooks; relies on external tools for collaboration. Provides interactive notebooks with real-time collaborative features.
Data Science and Engineering Integration Data engineering and data science often require separate tools. Seamless integration of data science and engineering workflows within a single environment.

Databricks Implementation

Deployment of Databricks is straightforward and, therefore, for the platform to be well-instituted in the data infrastructure of your institution, the following are the key steps;

Initial Setup and Configuration 

  • Create a Databricks Workspace – Start by creating a workspace within the cloud platform of Databricks. This is where all your data projects will be worked on.Data source integration with Databricks Include sources from where the data will be ingested into Databricks: either data can be read from databases, cloud storage solutions like AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage, or any other source.
  • Ingest Data – Databricks provides capabilities to ingest data coming from multiple sources in numerous formats into the platform. Ingestion can be set up either in batch or streaming mode, depending on the requirements.
  • Prepare Data – Store and organize data within Databricks’ managed storage or utilize data from any external storage solution. Data reliability and performance can be ensured with Delta Lake.

Data Processing and Transformations

  • ETL Pipelines: You can build an ETL pipeline that is automatic with Databricks tools pre-built. It also gives definitions about transformation, aggregations, and cleaning of data.
  • Run Jobs: Execute jobs for batch or real-time data processing and schedule them to perform the required tasks. Monitor job performance and adjust configurations appropriately.

Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Develop Notebooks: Data analysis translated into Databricks notebooks to share the insight. Include visualizations and sources used. It has a built-in visualization tool or even integrates third-party tools.
  • Teams Collaboration: All of this happens in real time for a shared team where findings are shared and actual data project collaboration is executed.
  • Build Models: Develop and train models using Databricks’ machine-learning capabilities. Track experiments and handle model lifecycle with frameworks like MLflow.
  • Deploy Models: Once trained, deploy these models into production and integrate them with your data pipelines to get real-time predictions and analytics.

Monitoring and Optimization

  • Monitor Performance: Use Databricks monitoring tools to watch for performance, resource usage, and job metrics.
  • Optimize Workflows: Continually update data workflows and processing tasks to make them more effective and cost-friendly.


While both Databricks and Snowflake have very robust data management solutions, the holistic approach to the problem and the all-inclusive tool suite in Databricks give significant advantages to organizations in search of a single platform. With real-time analytics and a shared collaborative environment, very advanced machine learning capabilities make Databricks able to simplify rather intricate data processes, therefore increasing productivity in the process.